
Showing posts with label Sneak Peeks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sneak Peeks. Show all posts

Friday, 16 May 2014

Coming This Way Soon

I felt it was appropriate to release this sneak peek on Teacher's Day. Guess which teacher wrote this?

Yes, the adventures of the "teacher in the interior" continues.

And also, this:

This one you have to guess (or Google) - not hard, really.

I'll have more to say when both come off the presses. Stay tuned.

And good weekend.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

What's Cooking Next

Here's a sample of what's cooking in the hell's kitchen that is my workplace (and do keep in mind that they are drafts; final versions may differ):

Yes, we're doing quite a few cookbooks, besides ... other stuff. Admittedly, these are pretty good-looking projects. Hope I didn't spoil some surprises.

More to come when these are ready.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Sometimes, Life IS Like That

Is "series" singular or plural?

Editors are supposed to have answers to questions like this at their fingertips. Sometimes, they don't.

One is tempted to let things stand, but considering what the back cover copy is for, that was not an option.

Searching Google yielded:

Series can be a singular or a plural noun, depending on its meaning. When it is used to refer to a single set of things, it takes a singular verb even if it is followed by the preposition of and a plural noun: A series of medical tests is planned for next week. When series refers to two or more sets of things, it takes a plural verb: Three series of medical tests are planned for next week.

Subsequent searches confirmed the above. All right, then. Singular it is, like the thing we're referring to. Which is...

Probably appearing in bookstores early 2013; subject to change

Did an author's past blog post help her editor with her own upcoming book? Yes, it did. As far as I know, this doesn't happen often.

More about this project when it comes out of the presses.