
Sunday 3 September 2023

Book Marks: Blurbs, Books, and BookTok

Yes, I missed two weeks of this. Quite a few developments in books and publishing since then, but I'm adjusting to some changes in life as well, so I'm not apologising.

But first, let me tell you how you can get a copy of what may be the most outrageous Portuguese-to-English phrasebook, English As She Is Spoke. I wrote about this book in a now-defunct magazine in 2011, adding in a postscript on the blog about how I wanted a physical copy. Lit Books at Tropicana Avenue is selling one edition, so if you're interested, order it online. Twelve years sounds long but my, how they just flew by.

"The paperback version [of Jordan Peterson's Beyond Order] includes several blurbs on the back cover taken from book reviews that appear to be glowing. However, several of those reviewers have slammed the book’s publishers at Penguin for decontextualizing their words and leaving out their decidedly-negative comments about the book." Maybe if the blurbs for a book aren't that hot, don't use creative editing to make them better.

One believes this is just the tip of the iceberg in an industry – yes, blurbing can be one – that's increasingly sus. At The Atlantic, Helen Lewis looks into the practice and finds that blurbing can be "both a selfless act and a shamelessly corrupt one". She also discovers some trends behind the growing use of blurbs instead of reviews, most of which are about popularity. The controversy over Peterson's book prompted the Society of Authors in the UK to call for more transparency over the use of blurbs.

Readers these days are aware that blurbs hype up a book and may have a niggling feeling blurbs aren't for helping them choose books. Writing to Lewis, Mark Richards, the publisher of the independent Swift Press, confirmed this, stating, "[Blurbs] are instead aimed at literary editors and buyers for the bookstores—in a sea of new books, having blurbs from, ideally, lots of famous writers will make it more likely that they will review/stock your book."

On a related note, somebody at The Critic deciphers some terms used in these blurbs and what they might really mean. "Publishers’ outward-facing jargon can be conveniently observed in the blurbs printed on book jackets. These are full of code words which, you may be surprised to learn, usually have very little to do with the contents." Maybe that's something to keep in mind when writing them.

"Book lovers are loathe to throw away books, anathema to toss them aside as if they were mere trash. In San Francisco, as I’m sure elsewhere, we’d rather leave them in a tidy pile on a street corner for others to pick up, trusting that there must be readers out there who will want them." As Lewis Buzbee notes, books are hard to get rid of, but when the time comes, it has to be done.

I also love what he says about books and how each of them finds its way into some sort of literary lifestream, through book exchanges and hubs like the Little Free Libraries. "Books are written, published, sold, then, quite happily, re-sold, perhaps more than once; a single book might be read by countless eyes. This is one of the unique qualities of the book: no matter how many times it’s been sold, or read, a book is still a working machine."

Over at Slate, Dorie Chevlen is on the same wavelength, but when one needs space, giving books away as a step in decluttering is warranted. However: "I’m not advocating you have no books. Everyone should have a permanent collection ... But be realistic about your space and realistic about which titles have earned a place there, because your shelves won’t expand just because you willed them to."

The winners of the inaugural TikTok Book Awards are in and among those include Honey and Spice by Bolu Babalola (Book of the Year), Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Best BookTok Revival), and Heartstopper: Volume One by Alice Oseman (Best Book I Wish I Could Read Again for the First Time). Whew, that last one was a mouthful. Is there room on the plaque for that?

While BookTok celebrates these awards, a BookScan analysis suggests the BookTok effect on sales is fading. A BookScan analyst "noted that books by BookTok authors are facing some of the same headwinds that the industry in general is, including consumers reading less in the period since Covid restrictions were lifted," reports Publishers Weekly. Still, the analyst insisted that TikTok is still key for discovering new writers and helping younger readers find books, even if users don't seem efficient or engaged in unearthing new literary gems like when the phenomenon first emerged.

Has BookTok reached its zenith, as Good E-Reader suggests? When your platform relies on the virality of authenticity, paid shills will eventually sneak in and ride the wave, eroding the lustre of the brand with inauthentic theatrics. Like blurbs, in video.

The Malaysian Home Ministry seized two books from independent bookstore Toko Buku Rakyat, owned by owned by local author Benz Ali. Despite not being banned under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 (PPPA), a copy of a Malay translation of Karl Marx: The Revolutionary as Educator by Robin Smalls and a copy of Benz Ali's poetry collection were seized by Home Ministry officials.

The Home Minister defended the raid, saying it was done in response to public complaints, and added that the books were taken "for research purposes" and may be returned if they do not violate any laws. So who complained, and if the complaints are found to be baseless, then what?

Okay, what else?

  • A permanent injunction has been imposed on the Internet Archive, preventing it from scanning and distributing already-published copyrighted books, while the Archive's appeal is ongoing. If a digital copy of a work exists, if I read correctly, the Archive can't scan and make it available on its site. This was agreed upon by the Archive and the publishers involved in a lawsuit against it, including Hachette, HarperCollins, and Penguin Random House.
  • "I wrote what I went through. I could not pretend to be a historian or a sociologist or a politician or whatever, but I knew what I had lived.” Twenty years after Persepolis was released, Marjane Satrapi's struggle against censorship – from the right and the left – continues.
  • "For whatever reason you decide to put a book in someone's hand or place it on display, you’re an advocate for that book. That’s a responsibility, but also a power." Josh Cook, author of The Art of Libromancy, sits down with Esquire to talk about bookselling, the challenges US booksellers currently face, and how independent booksellers can make the world better. And if you're looking to open a bookstore in the United States, Book Riot covers some basics.
  • A Quran written more than two centuries ago was discovered in a paper bag in the attic of a mosque in Cape Town, South Africa. "Researchers believe that Imam Abdullah ibn Qadi Abdus Salaam, affectionately known as Tuan Guru, or Master Teacher, wrote the Quran from memory at some point after he was shipped to Cape Town as a political prisoner, from Tidore island in Indonesia in 1780, as punishment for joining the resistance movement against Dutch colonisers," states the BBC in a story about the Quran, its author, and the community that has become its custodian.
  • "Singaporean poet Cyril Wong might have been one of the first home-grown writers to depict sexuality so frankly on the page," goes The Straits Times, "but on the occasion of his 16th poetry collection, he laments: 'I’m not just a confessional writer leh.'” Like how they kept the "-leh" at the end.
  • This story of Tao Wong, a Malaysian-born Canadian author of LitRPG and xianxia books, is as fantastic as the genres he writes in. The irreverent tone is trademark Cilisos but the tale of a guy who went into writing because he didn't like what he had read and then being a success at it is amazeballs.
  • The self-publishing path is thorny, but it can be viable. Two Malaysian authors who self-published speak about their experiences and share some advice. One tip from author Siti Syameen Md Khalili: "...step one would be to have your manuscript ready. Make sure you love the story and polish it until it becomes a clean copy with the help of trusted beta readers and an editor.”
  • Book bans driven by rightwing activism is hogging the limelight these days, but there seems to be little acknowledgement about how illiberal leftists threaten books too. This article looks at a report by writers' association PEN America "that strongly comes down on the side of taking illiberal progressivism seriously" and argues that "'canceling' books and authors for transgressing progressive moral codes does nothing to counteract injustice and prejudice. Instead, it inhibits and silences important conversations and trivializes the very evils it supposedly protests."
  • Book blogger Julianne Buonocore tells Mashable India, "Tech-based stories are so ripe for compelling and intriguing storylines, from diving into business and personal success and scandals, to offering inside scoop to outsiders."
  • Are we tired of going on about how Goodreads is terrible? No? Here's another article in that same vein, which chronicles Goodreads' slide into what it has become today descent and argues why quitting it is hard. I found this relevant because it kind of explains why Amazon is leaving Goodreads alone: "In a rare piece that centred the experience of the reader rather than the agonies of the writer, Greta Rainbow explored how the site gamifies reading and influences other people’s purchasing behaviours. Controversy, Rainbow argues, only reinforces this goal: 'by exerting influence and extracting attention, Goodreads is working exactly as it should.'"
  • Has the gendering of publishing gone too far, as this writer claims? Is the industry so dominated by women that it's been skewed into providing reads only for women and girls? While the points seem valid, I'm uncomfortable with the implication that one set of stereotypes have been swapped for another. And what does it mean to publish books "for everyone"? Women read books by male authors too, so why can't it be vice versa? Let me bookmark this, because I want to see if anyone comes up with a rebuttal.
  • "When it was released in 1982, the book immediately caught the attention of both the critics and the reading public, who praised the book for its portrayals of both the brutality and sorrow of racism and sexual violence and its celebration of Black women." Despite critical acclaim and its potential to teach, Alice Walker's The Color Purple, published in 1982, still faces opposition to its presence in schools because of its subject matter.
  • "Reading a book for pleasure is not the same as reading for an English class, though, and students too often associate reading with school work. This can add tension to the selection process knowing that for some students, it will be the only book they read this year. Do you go with something with a pop culture connection, or something that they “should” read?" Choosing a text for reading for English class in New Zealand can be tricky, but there are ways. Here are some most commonly taught novels at senior levels in NZ classes.
  • Oprah Winfey is famous for many things, including her book club, but now there are other female celebs doing the same thing: Dua Lipa, Reese Witherspoon, and Emma Watson. Here are profiles of some of these book clubs and how they became a modern status symbol for these celebrities.
  • "The Dead Sea Scrolls do not describe any events that focus on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most were written and copied before Jesus began his ministry for devout Jews and do not mention Jesus directly. And yet, they provide valuable historical context to understanding the world in which Jesus lived—and in which early Christianity was born and evolved—including the beliefs and practices of Jews in the land of Israel."


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