
Sunday 30 April 2023

Book Marks: Author Debut Stress, Digital Lending Concerns

A survey by The Bookseller is causing a few ripples. For 54 per cent of debut authors, publishing their books negatively affected their mental health. This group reported "anxiety, stress, depression and lowered self-esteem, caused by lack of support, guidance or clear and professional communication from their publisher." Only 22 per cent had a positive experience as debut authors.

The Mary Sue picked up on this and tries to get to the bottom of it. Reality checks lurk at every step towards publishing and beyond, but they seem to have singled out the lack of communication from publishers as a major factor for authors who engaged them. However, they conclude that: "The issues facing debut authors, then, seem to be more systemic in nature than a problem with any one individual editor or publishing executive."

Authorship isn't a smooth, straight path for most. Stories like this one highlight just how much of a slog it can be. Even for those who penned what would become bestsellers or classics, hurdles along the way can be too much to handle. Perseverance, hard work, and luck continue to play a role long after a book hits the shelves, with or without a publisher. If the process is too much, perhaps some time out is needed, or one should just quit.

The Internet Archive case may have been a victory for the publishers involved but someone at The Walrus believes that the implications...

... extend beyond the case to touch the digital rights of all libraries—and, by extension, those of authors and readers. It has a bearing on which books (and which writers) libraries deem worthy of the expense to stock in digital formats and, ultimately, how much digital information will be freely accessible.

A Taiwan-based bookseller has been detained and placed under investigation in China. Li Yanhe, also known by his pen name Fucha, "is known for publishing books that are critical of the Chinese Communist party (CCP) or are politically sensitive, including about the Tiananmen Square massacre, human rights abuses of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, and corruption within the CCP," the Guardian reported.

Previously, several Hong Kong booksellers were also detained by Beijing. One of them, Gui Minhai, was apparently taken while holidaying in Thailand, raising concerns that those wanted by Beijing weren't safe even when they're overseas. Li, however, was in China when he was detained.

If "an anthology of gender-bent, queered, race-bent, and inclusive retellings from the enchanting and eternally popular world of Greek myth" does not feature Greek authors, is it truly inclusive? On Twitter, writer and historian Ioanna Papadopoulou lamented the lack of Greek voices in Tor's Fit for the Gods and, as it tends to go on Twitter, discussions got ugly.

Papadopoulou responded to a bad take on this issue but the gist of it is, "Greeks are just tired of seeing Anglo writers hog all the oxygen in the room". Someone on Twitter claimed that apparently, many Greek authors wanted in but, from the list of contributors, (diverse, yes, but I don't see any Greeks in there) didn't make it. East Asians and Southeast Asians, for instance, are retelling and adapting their folklore for modern audiences – surely Greeks can do the same.

Writers! Can't resist reading reviews of your work, even if bad ones are lurking within the pile of feedback? Here are some tips on how to do it without ruining your life. One reason some don't spread new stuff they write like butter on warm toast is the anxiety over the reception. Often, no news is good news, but what if you need to know, especially when your work performance hinges on how engaged audiences are with your output?

When all else fails to lift you out of the hole a negative review puts you in, remember the Lit Reactor writer's advice: "Your book [or article] doesn't need to do everything. Stop torturing yourself when your book [or article] isn't all things to all people."


  • Book bans aren't new in the United States; National Geographic traces the history of such bans from way back when parts of the country were British colonies. One can argue the current scale and ferocity of the campaign to ban certain books in the States is perhaps unprecedented.
  • Changes to Indian school textbooks have sparked discussions on the teaching of history to schoolkids. A chapter on Mughal rulers has been removed, as were references to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi and the 2002 Gujarat riots. The issue is contentious and not just because sectarian divides are being used by certain quarters to gain and retain power and influence.
  • Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming, Agatha Christie ... now they've taken the scalpel to PG Wodehouse's books. Penguin Random House also placed disclaimers in the edited new releases of the novels notifying readers of the "unacceptable" language in them and that changes were made to fix that without affecting the stories.
  • Somebody went through Moms for Liberty's guidelines for books and it's kind of bonkers. MFL is one of the biggest names in the drive to challenge books in the States and is tagged by some as another right-wing outrage factory. The MFL guidelines are supposed to help parents decide which books are right for their kids but it seems the guidelines talk more about why the books in the list are bad for young people.
  • Mystery surrounds the TikTok poet Aliza Grace, who has been accused of multiple instances of plagiarism. But who is she? Is she even a real person or merely an online persona?


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